Thursday, May 21, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day I Still Don't Give a Crap

I just wanted to get this picture out on the internet for everyone else's enjoyment.
Please be aware the the money ( Kash ) is copyrighted to Geico. I just edited it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day I Don't Give a Crap


Alright, I've named this the McJoker. He is freaking awsome. Part Joker part Ronald McDonald. This is what can happen when you stop sucking at Gimp.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 15

At the rate she's going I'd say this is Jessica Simpson in about a week. Just think it's all because she sucks at Gimp just like you.

Friday, February 20, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 14

I was given a vision. A vision of a world where nobody sucks at Gimp. That vision began with this. The Pimpguin. With his vicious back-hand he is the true ruler of the animal kingdom.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 13

We've been killing them for years but know they're fighting back. Their leader has spoken...soon the human race will be no more unless all you can stop sucking at Gimp.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 12

Everybody loves Twinkies no matter what they say. Let's just hope that Miley doesn't end up as the next Jessica Simpson. Please note that Jessica Simpson is hot and so is Miley Cyrus...kinda sometimes. My fellow contributor and I will be the only ones making fun of her in any way.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 11

Got lucky and had another stroke of genius today while staring into the center of the sun. I present to you Vader Player. Because no one should never be a Vader Hater. Vader Player: This is what happened to the Eewoks that lived. Vader turned them into interstellar pimps.

Monday, February 16, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 10

I haven't posted in a while, but I just finished a true work of art. Master Rogers: The make believe neighborhood wasn't always so great.

I really apreciate Mr. Rogers and grew up watching his show. I give full appreciation and respect to the late Mr. Rogers.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 9

Half brother to the Hulk-King, Super King will let you have it your way anywhere in the world. His one weakness...McDonalds.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 8

In a world where penguins are attacked by whales, one penguin decides to fight back. The penguins are ready to kill and they're using rockets and turbans. You better watch out or your might be next.

Friday, February 13, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 7

Barnidas...He loves you to but that doesn't mean that this isn't Sparta and you aren't getting a spartan kicked to the face.
Hey guys just thought I'd let you know that you really really suck at Gimp and I'm a new contributor to the blog. I have been with the creator the entire time however I sucked at Gimp aswell but after much training I improved beyond anything your feeble minds could ever comprehend.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 6

He is the King, but he is also the Hulk. HulKing: This Happens everytime a child eats McDonalds.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 5

Hey everyone. I present to you Chuck Vader's rival... T-Man. T-Man:He pitty the criminal!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 4

Today is a simple one. Two badass things unite to create even more badassery. Spartan: he WILL kill you.

Monday, February 9, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 3

Hey everyone. Today's pic is awesome. It is the kick-assery of Iron Man and the hotness of Jessica Alba in one pic. Iron Alba: She'll kick your ass!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 2

Another day, another masterpiece. It was inspired by lol cats language, but truly unique.
Mk 1 Kitten: He is in your base belonging it to him.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

You Suck At Gimp: Day 1

Holy crap. Just gimped a bunch of things. Turned out with Chuck Vader. He will roundhouse saber your face and then force choke you so hard, that your family dies.